Sunday, March 30, 2008

Race Photos...

Race photos are now available.. Can't say I saw one of any of us that was particularly awesome...


Andy B.:

Andy L.:

Almost here!

Just wanted to congratulate everyone on a job well done yesterday. Way to show up and get 'er done!

Hard to believe Vancouver is only a month away now. I hope everyone can participate in some capacity! Have a great week of training, everyone!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Road to Vancouver: A Rocky One

Hello All! It has been FAR too long since I've posted here. The past two months of my road to Vancouver have been rocky to say the least. After the great high of running four miles at the very beginning of February I've been struggling (to say the least).

A walking cast, crutches, a few hundred dollars (I hope that's all) and a pair of orthodics later....I think it will be okay for me to start walking again....lets hope! My doctor says it could take a year or more before I am fully healed and completely pain free (hopefully, hopefully) so I have to take things slow.

What this means: Well I'm not exactly sure. Birch Bay is going to have to be a no go--I'd like to say there is still a glimmer of hope I'd at least walk it, but in order to avoid injury it will most likely be a no go. As for Vancouver....well that's still to be determined. I might try to downgrade to the 8K or I might walk most of the half.

Thanks to all for rides to the doctor and encouragement. I'm looking foward to cheering you on at the Birch Bay Race.

Happy training!


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mr. Bay, Andy. Andy, Mr. Bay.

Mr. Bay,

I'm BAAAAAAAAAACK! Thought you'd done away with me for good by taking out my knee? Think again. We're in the 20-something-th Century now. We've got doctors for everything, and can replace just about everything else, knees, hips, brains, you name it. Not to mention steroids, HGH, and drugs. Lots of drugs. With such a great team, I'm unstoppable. You can't get rid of me this easily.

You. Me. March 29. Bring it on.

Give Tonya my regards.



Sunday, March 2, 2008

Putting y'alls gift card to good use!

Greetings fellow runners. During my run today in the hot sun, I realized I needed something desperately...water. The only problem is that there is no water available on my route, and I hate carrying something while I run. I came to the realization that I while I am just able to run ten miles without water...there is no way I will be able to do nineteen. To Runner's World I went! I bought a nifty water bottle belt and a new pair of non-short running shorts. I immediately had to come home and thank you guys again for the great gift! I plan on putting the remainder of the balance towards some new shoes. Keep up the great training...soon we'll all be back out there on the road!
