Friday, February 29, 2008

Here he is.....Pre!

Andy, you are so is time for the reermergence of Mr. Prefontaine. Let the inspiration flow over you all as chocolate syrup flows over ice cream. Keep up the good work everyone. Hopefully we will all be bootless soon!


Way to go!

Glad to see the un-cool (e.g. bootless) ones are still running, despite the lack of Prefontaine blog appearances. (Way to go on getting some nice long runs in, Andy!) It looks like a fantastic time to be running (right now), but it'll be even more fun Saturday (if you enjoy swimming)!

Remember kids, rain travels at a speed relative to that of those it affects. The faster you run, the slower it travels, therefore, the drier you'll be! In other words, the velocity of rain is inversely proportional to the cumulate velocity and acceleration (and similarly, deceleration) of organic beings Simple, eh?(1)

In other news:

... Birch Bay is a month away! (e.g. Suicide.) Wheeee!

(1): Lin, Andy, The Way Things Are, According to Andy, 42

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Injury Update

Yo Peeps! I checked in with the foot dr. yesterday afternoon. I need to wear my air cast for another week...and then I can't get back to walking for excercise (a.k.a. training) for two more weeks after that. So, I have three weeks from yesterday until I can continue training by walking. However, she said I can ride a bike or swim right now if I want--problem is I don't have access to a gym currently...that may be changing soon though...

I'm working on not getting too discouraged or frustrated by this setback. My foot has gotten better in the last few weeks, and everything points to me being able to achieve my goal for the 1/2 marathon in May. It may not be the performance it could have been, but it seems I should still be able to have a completion. There is always later in the year for an improved performance.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Good/Bad/Ugly. Again.

The Good: Doc says orthotics might help. They're covered under insurance.

The Bad: I didn't get a boot out of my appointment.

The Ugly: My ankles and knees are killing me (thankfully they're still attached and in one piece). Orthotics'll take two weeks.

In other news, Spring Training is underway. I can smell the grass already...

Friday, February 15, 2008

Life on Life's Terms

When I went in to the dr. on Tuesday I found out I needed to wear an air cast boot thing just like Heidi for two weeks. Then, hopefully, my foot will have healed and I can resume training. So, a total of three weeks (I hope) of training lost. I'm more concerned with how much momentum I will have lost/backsliding my body will have done. Seems unlikely I'll be able to pick up where I left off and have no effect to my pace/distance I'm able to do comfortably. But, I will just hope for the best case scenario in terms of training time lost, and do the best I can with what I have. Living life on life's terms...all we can do. Birch Bay should be interesting... ;) Keep working hard peeps!!! Train extra for me! :)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Love em or Leave em

Great job yesterday at your 5k Shelly and Andy! You did your team proud! Also, it was nice having all of us together at a race again. Have a great week of training everyone, I hope I will get the go ahead to join you!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dr's orders...

Hello All...
So, my foot/ankle dr. has told me to buy new shoes/special inserts (done and done) and stay off my foot as much as possible for the next week (what!!??!!!). So, that means I am not training this week, and I have an appointment with her again next tuesday to get clearance to start training again. The new shoes/insert were almost 200 bucks, but they are an amazing fit, and I think they will improve my training quite a bit. I've had a pain in my left foot for a few months now, that isn't serious, but she wants to give it time to, I'm following her orders. This shouldn't effect my training much, because I have some padding in my schedule that can absorb a week--or even a few weeks--without being detramental to my success. On the plus side, my body decided to get some kind of a stomach flu at the same time, so I wouldn't have been training some of these days anyway. Well coordinated body... :)

Best wishes for your training efforts--way to get back out there Drew!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

3 Running Jokes to Brighten Your Day.

1) Last year I entered the New York City Marathon. The race started and immediately I was the last of the runners. It was embarrassing. The guy who was in front of me, second to last, was making fun of me. He said, "Hey buddy, how does it feel to be last?" I replied: "Do you want to know?" and I dropped out.

2) This man and woman were making love when the woman cried out "Oh my God! I hear my husband coming! You must get out of here fast! Grab your clothes and jump out the window!" The man hurriedly jumped out the window and fell into some bushes. As luck would have it, it started to rain. He sat there, wondering what he was going to do when a bunch of joggers happened to jog by. The man quickly jumped up and joined the joggers. As he was running along with the rest of the joggers, one asked him "Do you always run in the nude?" The man answered, while gasping for air, "Oh yes, it feels so free having the air blow over your skin while you are running." Then another runner asked, "Do you always run carrying your clothes on your arm?" The man answered breathlessly, "Oh yes, that way I can get dressed at the end of the run and get in my car to go home." Then another runner asked "Do you always wear a condom when you run?" "Well," he answered, "only when it's raining."

3) Have you seen Drew's latest running attempt? Pretty humorous, to say the least.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Longest Run....EVER!

Hey Guys,

Saturday was a proud day for me...I ran further than I ever have (4 miles!) After not running for almost a week (sigh...) it was not an easy task by any means, but I fought through and even had a good pace. Despite the worst training week thus far, I still managed to meet the weekly goal I set for myself at the beginning of this program in January.

Good luck this week guys! I hope you are all doing well and training hard.
