Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dr's orders...

Hello All...
So, my foot/ankle dr. has told me to buy new shoes/special inserts (done and done) and stay off my foot as much as possible for the next week (what!!??!!!). So, that means I am not training this week, and I have an appointment with her again next tuesday to get clearance to start training again. The new shoes/insert were almost 200 bucks, but they are an amazing fit, and I think they will improve my training quite a bit. I've had a pain in my left foot for a few months now, that isn't serious, but she wants to give it time to, I'm following her orders. This shouldn't effect my training much, because I have some padding in my schedule that can absorb a week--or even a few weeks--without being detramental to my success. On the plus side, my body decided to get some kind of a stomach flu at the same time, so I wouldn't have been training some of these days anyway. Well coordinated body... :)

Best wishes for your training efforts--way to get back out there Drew!!!

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