Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Injury Update

Yo Peeps! I checked in with the foot dr. yesterday afternoon. I need to wear my air cast for another week...and then I can't get back to walking for excercise (a.k.a. training) for two more weeks after that. So, I have three weeks from yesterday until I can continue training by walking. However, she said I can ride a bike or swim right now if I want--problem is I don't have access to a gym currently...that may be changing soon though...

I'm working on not getting too discouraged or frustrated by this setback. My foot has gotten better in the last few weeks, and everything points to me being able to achieve my goal for the 1/2 marathon in May. It may not be the performance it could have been, but it seems I should still be able to have a completion. There is always later in the year for an improved performance.

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