Friday, January 11, 2008

Good News--Bad News

I guess this is one of those do you choose to look at the glass half full or half empty kind of posts. Let me start with the postives:

1. I ran about 2.5 miles only walking about .2 of the distance
2. I ran 2.5 miles in a shorter time than I ran 2 miles 2 days before
3. I determined my glasses won't fall out of my sweatshirt pouch if I use the reflective strap to hold them in.
4. The car did not actually hit me.

And the "not so positives"

1. My nano malfunctioned AGAIN....telling me I was going about 19 minutes per miles one second and then the next saying about 10:30 when I was going the same pace...
2. My actual stats don't reflect what I did yesterday--I'll be uploading tonight when I get home, couldn't do it last night--frustrating because this is becoming a pattern.
3. I was literally inches away from getting hit by a complete MORON last night.

Due to these "issues" I have decided the following:

1. I can push myself farther than I thought: I realy, really wanted to stop last night but I kept pushing myself, through the intense pain I was feeling, through the anger of having to run further than I was getting "credit for", through the rain and the mental crap that was weighing me down.
2. I am NEVER running by Andy's house at night again--even with a reflective strap is is far, far, far too dangerous.
3. I have to buy a new nike sport kit.

So there you have it--rest assured I am not only pusing you--I am pushing and kicking my own ass....this weekend is my "big" run--2 miles without stopping and then next week it's on to 3...hopefully it will be a safer, better week for all.



Shelly said...

Well, Heids - I'm glad you're still alive.

I'm so proud of you for how far you've come in only 2 weeks -- despite getting nearly run over and having faulty equipment. (that's what she said)

Lets hope, with the close of this week, we can all have banner weeks next week.

Drew said...

Good job on your run Heids! I would also like to commend you for not kicking that motorist's ass...she (I hear bad driving and I automatically assume it was a woman) was lucky to get out of there unscathed. Also, I would like to mention that the "that's what she said" line has pretty much run its course...quite a while ago. You should try replacing it with a not so commonly used phrase...perhaps "warrior" would work.


Shelly said...

Oh yes, Drew, because your phrases are soooo fresh and new. ;)

Heidi said...

Look kids...this is a place of encouragement...let's try to be nice to one another...

And most of all this is about ME! :)

Drew said...

You are 100% right Heids...I apologize. By the way, could you please remind Shells what sarcasm is? Thanks. Ok, now about you....