Monday, January 21, 2008

Longest Walk--In my LIFE! :)

Hey all...another day of training...another proud moment for me. Yesterday I walked the farthest I can ever recall walking all at once: 5 miles. And, not only that, but I walked it at a pace that was faster than I comfortably walked even a mile in the beginning of my training: 18:36. I'm amazed at far I've come in just 7 weeks of training. I can't wait to see my progress as we get closer to the big race. I did have some pain yesterday, but not too bad...and it didn't stick around today, at least not anything significant. We'll see how tomorrow goes...that will be the true test as to how the old bod is doing... Have a great week o' training everyone! Woop, woop! :)


Shelly said...

Way to go, Bucky! I'm very proud of you!!

Vwap said...

Awesome! Great job, Buck!

Heidi said...

HOLLA...that is SO awesome Buck! Keep up the great really is an inspiration. YOU ROCK!

Drew said...

Nicely played ma'am...nicely played. Keep up the great work!