Saturday, January 5, 2008

I Was Robbed......

It is with a heavy heart I write this post. After a great run on Thursday, I was pumped to beat my pace and do a mile in less than 11 minutes today. I leashed Emma up this morning after dragging myself out of bed, started a pot of coffee brewing and headed out. When I stepped outside I immediately realized this run was going to be no easy feat--the rain was coming down and the wind was blowing. But I was determined....I headed out, running into the wind and at a slight incline, determined to beat my best time. And things were going pretty well--as well as they can be when your glasses are fogged up and covered with rain drops.....despite the wind and rain my pace was great....around 10 min 30 seconds.....and then things started going down hill....

I expected to hear a voice telling me I had gone .5 miles and was half way so I knew to turn around, but the voice did not come. I turned around at the .55 mile mark and started heading for home...picking up my pace even more determined to finish in under 11 minutes. With less than .25 miles to go I picked up my pace moving from a jog to a run. I pushed the button to check my pace and was shocked to hear: current pace 18 minutes bla bla bla seconds....shaking my head I waited a second, pressed the button again and heard: current pace 0 miles per hour......WHAT!!!!! Sprinting even faster I passed my starting point (by which time I should have run 1.1 miles based on my turn around point) but my nano said I was still under a mile.....sigh......

My final pace for this run according to the good old nano 11 minutes 41 seconds. I think there might be something wrong with my sensor......

It was a great run......and I'm proud of myself.....this is only dampened by the disappointment that due to an equipment malfunction January 5th's run will forever be a failure......


Vwap said...

Great job! Hey, you know how you did! Stupid technology...

Michele said...

I feel ya sis...even though you know, it stinks you don't have the data to prove it! Next time...

Shelly said...

But still...congrats on the great pace! Even though it doesn't show. Now, if you start saying this after every run, I'm going to start suspecting a little something. :)

Drew said...

I hate it when that happens! Regardless, great job. I like your running plan...I think it will work well for you. Keep it up!