Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thursday Morning Pep Talk

Hey Guys,

I know for some, this has been a rough week! Shells has expressed her frustration in yesterday's blog. Shells, Buck and I have all experienced some type of Nano failure this week. Andy is down with knee pain issues and I think we are all feeling a little less motivated this week than last.

Shells in her genius wisdom, had us post widgets so we can see how much we're running. I'm not going to call anyone out, or make any one feel bad--especially becuase I don't know what all of your plans are and I know there are other issues...but lets just say I've noticed the miles and days of running are down this week (for all of us).

So here's the deal. I know it's cold. I know it's hard. I know that sometimes the last thing in the world we want to do is get out there and walk or run. BUT WE HAVE TO! We can all do this. I'm so proud of all of us for our work last week and I know we can keep this up. Remember even as you are focusing on the short term weekly goals we are setting (and hopefully we are all doing that) to also keep an eye on the ultimate prize...Vancouver....HOLLA.

So....if you're feeling unmotivated, need a little encouragement...let us know! Ask someone to run with you or walk with you--remember to just keep moving! And most of all YOU CAN DO THIS!



Vwap said...

Yes, (the rest of) you can! :)

Once my knees feel better, I'll be back out there. Perhaps tonight.. I've got those fancy schmanzy new shoes someone got me that I get to run in..

Drew said...

Thanks for the pep talk Heids! I woke up this morning knowing that I have to get back out there and stop being a lazy bastard. Your post only reinforces my resolve. Let's do it people! Andy out.