Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Good, Bad, Ugly.

The Good: I calibrated my Nike+.

The Bad: The Snickers in my car was cold. And hard. My teeth hurt. Plus, I forgot to take my drugs.

The Ugly: My left knee hurts.


I was feeling pretty good tonight and figured I'd go for another run. You know, the ol' "two days in a row" thing. Apparently, my knee doesn't much like the idea. A couple miles in, I had to stop, then figured I'd calibrate the Nike+. It's now calibrated. And then I walked back. Wasn't a total loss..

All in all, my Garmin called it 3.80mi, 10:09/mi.


Heidi said...

Yuck! Sorry to hear you had such a rough night tonight. But way to stay positive and make the best of the situation! Now you're calibrated and your pace still averated out to just over 10 minutes a mile! In Heidi world that still = amazing!

Shelly said...

How far off was your calibration? Was there a noticeable distance difference?

That sucks about your knee!! Is a doctor visit on the horizon?

Vwap said...

Nah, the knee's just not used to running. :) It goes away if I give it (a): Time and (b): Drugs.

And my Nano felt pretty significantly off prior to calibration -- my 6.34 mile run should've been much closer to 6.0. The Garmin was pretty much on when comparing to the milepost markers along the Burke-Gilman.. During my walk/run/walk (hey, that's a biathlon, right? :)) back to the car, both the Nano and the Garmin tracked each other perfectly. I'll need to take it back out there and compare again, but I feel better about the Nano's results now..

Shelly said...

Yeah...that's exactly what a biathlon is! :)

Nice that you have the Garmin as a backup. I feel like my Nano is pretty on track, just from my experience with the races, but I'm paranoid that it's off just enough to make a difference on the longer ones. I'm going to have to calibrate it in the next couple of days.

Drew said...

Yeeessss...I know all about miscalibration. So let me get this walked back and still had a time of 10:09! One word for you sir...WARRIOR. That is all. Keep it up everyone. OK, now that is all.