Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Alright, yes, I'd like to take a minute or two to complain. Today was one of my "speed work" days for running. My goal was to keep my pace below 10'00"/mile. Normally when I run, I fall around 10'30", so I figure taking 30 seconds off each mile would be a good start.

WELL GUESS WHAT. Tonight SUCKED. I was miserable and had to stop 3 different times and my stupid sensor stopped in the middle of it, so I had to reset it, and UGH. In the end my combined average pace was an even 10'00", which I guess is fine, but I just wish I was feeling like I had more stamina. I don't feel like I can go as long or hard as I could before. (That's what she said). I know it's only been a week or so since I've resumed regular running, and I need to build up to it, but I'm feeling antsy.

Tomorrow I'm running with my coworker, who averages a 6 or 7 something mile and we're supposed to go about 4 miles. I think it will be pretty much torture, and I'm worried how I'll be able to keep up and finish. Not that she cares if I can't - but I do.

Anyway, I just wanted to vent a little. That is all.


Heidi said...

That totally sucks shells! What is up with all this equipment malfunction lately (that's what she said)?

At least you're out there working it--and if you keep fighting you will hit your stride--you can totally do it! Sometimes it just takes time to work back up!

Good luck on your run tomorrow. I'm sure you will rock it!

Drew said...

That does suck...I feel your pain. Don't worry, once you get a couple more runs under your belt you'll be back in fine form! Keep those feet amovin and you'll be fine. Good luck on your run tomorrow! Make sure you update us all on how it went.