Sunday, January 6, 2008

Proud of Myself!

The longest walks I can ever remember doing for sure were about 4 miles. So, today's long walk was right on the edge of my experience. It was challenging. Just Emma and I and my nano on a chilly, windy Sunday morning. And miles of mazes of hilly residential streets that I was patching together in order to come up with 4 miles. I experienced discomfort/pain/achiness on and off throughout my workout, but recognized this is normal as my body builds up muscle/strength. I paused briefly twice to stretch, but otherwise pushed myself hard in an effort to make an under 20 min mile pace. In the end, I made that goal, and ended up going even farther than 4 miles (ending my workout on the nano shortly after 4 mile mark in order to cool down/walk slow for another .15 of a mile or so). I am proud of myself today! WOOP, WOOP!


Heidi said...

That's awesome Buck! Way to go :)

Shelly said...

Way to go Bucky! What a great feeling!!