Monday, January 7, 2008

Quite the lecture...

So my knees and feet got together tonight, while I was out running the Sammamish River\Burke-Gilman Trail, and gave me a talkin'-to. A lecture, if you will. This is how the conversation went, pretty much verbatim:

(100 yards in)
Knees: "I hurt."
Feet: "Yeah, me too."
Andy: "Shut-up and move."

(1/4 mile in)
Knees: "I still hurt."
Feet: "Yeah, me too!"
Andy: "Shut-up and move."


(1 mile in)
Knees: "This suuuucks. I hurt."
Feet: "Yeah, me too..."
Andy: "You'll feel better soon."

(1.5 miles in)
Knees: "Did you hear me? I hurt."
Feet: "Have a seat, kid."

Knees: "Alright. We're with you on this Marathon thing... But..."
Feet: "... you can't expect us to get up and go like this."
Knees: "I haven't had to work this hard, this long, since, ... well, when I was back picking cotton back in the day."
Feet: "Quiet. You were never picking cotton. But I had to stand around in the heat for sixteen hours a day."
Knees: "But we digress. Either you slow it down, or we'll do it for you."
Feet: "Yeah, take that!"
Knees: "Got it?"
Me: "Sure, I'll slow it down.. Let's go!"

(Thirty seconds later.)

Feet: "This isn't slow... I hurt!"
Knees: "You were warned..."
Me: "OW!.. C'mon, what gives, guys?"

Lower Back+Feet+Knees: "We're done. Enjoy your walk back.."

Feet: "Aw, crap... I still have work to do..."

Grrr... I made it back home, disappointed, well short of my goal for the night, and my knees/feet and I still aren't on speaking terms. Better luck tomorrow!

(Me: "You hear that, guys! Tomorrow!")
(Knees/Feet: "*snicker* Sure, anything you say, buddy.")


Michele said...

Perhaps you should consult with a Dr. about your knees/feet revolt? My understanding of pain is that sometimes it can be worked through and goes away, but sometimes you can make things worse by ignoring it...I'm talking to a Dr. about my foot today. It has been having issues for more than a month...keep us updated!

Heidi said...

And while we're on the subject of doctors--perhaps you should visit someone about these voices you are hearing....

Funny post! And don't worry guys, I'm dragging him to the Footzone tonight to get some shoes that are actually designed for running instead of the $25 miscelaneous pair he picked up three years ago and has been stubbornly clinging to..... :)

Vwap said...

Shoes are for weenies. I train barefoot.. :)

Come to think of it, that explains a lot...

Shelly said...

It might be good to revise your training plan a little. It'd suck to go crazy right away, and then get hurt and have to take some precious time off right before the Marathon.

I think you'll be able to perform better overall if you gradually work up to it. And your body will thank you! There's plenty of time to get frequent long runs in!

Shelly said...

P.S. I also forgot to mention that I saw someone running my last race BAREFOOT.

Drew said...

It is a well known fact that the elite ultra-warrior runs barefoot. I can only dream that one day, I too will be warrior enough to run barefoot. I agree with Shells, you might want to slow down your pace a bit. In addition to helping prevent soreness it will also help me save're making me look like quite the little lady. Keep up the good work sir!

Shelly said...


Are you insinuating that looking like a "little lady" would be a bad thing?

Andy wasn't the only person who had a faster pace than you. ;)

Drew said...


I wasn't insinuating it...I came out and said it! Women are only good for cooking and cleaning...not running. EVERYONE knows this!

Heidi said...

WHOA do realize we out number you right...that's goal....kick Drew's ass running!

Drew said...

Shiiiittt. I've done it now! Maybe this will motivate my ass to run. Maybe.