Thursday, January 10, 2008


Hey Kids -

Just a quick follow up regarding my run today. Somehow, the ol' Nano was completely dead, so I didn't get to use it. MAN, did it feel weird to run without that! Anyway, I think we went roughly 4 miles, and the pace was probably right around 10 minutes per mile. The weather was awful, and got progressively worse as soon as we hit our half-way point and turned around. BUT, I made it, and at the end she even said I was giving HER a run for her money!



Drew said...

Way to go Shells! That'll learn your co-worker to mess with a seasoned runner such as yourself. Keep it up!

Vwap said...

Dude, what's with everyone's Nano's breaking?!

Are they allergic to my widget?... :(

Shelly said...

Well, in all fairness to the sensor, this time it was solely because of the fact that my computer drained the battery, instead of actually charging it, and I didn't notice until I was ready to use it!

Vwap said...

Technology screws with us so much that it doesn't deserve fairness. Down with technology!

... or something like that.

Michele said...

That's my Munk!!! Nice work! :)